Morocco Condemns HRW Attempt to Undermine the Kingdom’s Success

Human Rights Watch resorted to false accusations as usual lacking factual grounds in an attempt to establish a legal cover to its claims.

Morocco has strongly denounced Human Rights Watch hopeless attempts in tarnishing Morocco’s successful field and diplomatic achievements in promoting its territorial sovereignty in addition to overtly playing the Human Rights card to impose personal political views concerning the Moroccan Sahara while expressing false accusations about public authorities.

The Inter-ministerial Delegation for Human Rights has expressed in a communiqué that it has come to Moroccan authorities’ attention a Human Rights Watch Communique dating back to December 18th, 2020, adopting political views against Morocco’s territorial sovereignty and the latest constructive developments that Morocco has undergone.

In their communique, Human Rights Watch resorted to false accusations as usual lacking factual grounds in an attempt to establish a legal cover to its claims; thus, failing globally known methodologies of NGO’s neutrality and objectivity in dealing with Human Rights’ Issues.

The Delegation further added in this regard that Morocco’s Authorities strongly denounce Human Rights Watch stand regarding Morocco’s peaceful intervention in freeing Guerguerat Crossing to guarantee the safe flow of goods and civilians back in the area after long negotiations with UN secretary general concerning the protection of free movement of goods and civilians through the crossing.

The delegation further reminded that the Moroccan peaceful intervention to free the Guerguerat Crossing which has linked Europe to Africa for ages has witnessed a global support by the global community.

The Delegation further remarked that what makes the Human Rights Watch Communique politically oriented is its intervention with bilateral relations between countries and intervening in their territorial sovereignty. The Delegation further added that US recognition of Morocco’s sovereignty over its Sahara constitutes its continuous support for Morocco’s initiative for autonomous plan since its suggestion back in 2007 in front of the UN which is considered by UN Security Council as a valid and credible proposal.

The Delegation further added that Human Rights Watch proposed false accusations instead of addressing child abuse for political reasons by separatist Polisario instead of blaming Morocco which has legally intervened to protect children from any abuse. Human Rights Watch ignored separatist Polisario’s campaigns in abusing children in Tindouf Camps and using them to promote war and hatred.

The Delegation’s Communique concluded that Human Rights Watch request for MINURSU’s intervention in Human Rights in South Morocco in the pretext that the rest of Peacekeeping missions in the world undertake this mission is a propagation of false news. This is because watching human rights is assigned only to seven peacekeeping missions from fourteen, and in countries or regions witnessing conflicts or crimes part of the international humanitarian laws and not part of the International Human Rights Law.

In this regard, the delegation further reminded that watching human rights in Morocco’s southern area is assigned to the National Human Rights Council as an independent constitutional association whose regional delegations’ roles in Moroccan Sahara have been approved by successive reports issued by UN Security Council, the last of which is the 2548 report issued the end of October 2020.

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