Farida Loudaya, the architect of Morocco’s influence in Latin America

Everything seems to be in place for Ambassador Farida Loudaya to become a pleasant and decisive voice for Moroccan diplomacy. Rabat was able to break into Latin America thanks to her contributions. Her interlocutors all agree that she understands the full magnitude and nuance of political inclinations.
Many people claimed she was ready for the grandest of fates. We laud “her boundless energy and agility,” “her vast knowledge,” and “her articulate responses.” Her enlarging vision and her glances are frequently given as examples. “In South America, Ambassador Farida Loudaya has become a role model. It is said to be active, present, and effective in Latin society.
“The ambassador is distinguished by her efforts to defend her country’s interests,” wrote the Mexican website “Almomento” of Farida Loudaya, Morocco’s Ambassador to Colombia and Ecuador. Several international media outlets laud the Moroccan ambassador’s consistent point of view, her tireless effort, and the efficacy of her diplomatic actions.
The information we have obtained attest to her total dedication to her country’s interests; they still have actual political importance; and they bore the identifiable stamp of an excellence spirit cognizant of all hurdles.
“Ms. Loudaya was present at all events; she contributes to the influence of Morocco’s ties abroad and the extension of her country’s diplomatic influence.” “She has only been in office since 2017, but she exhibits the talent of a person with extensive diplomatic experience, which is certainly a major merit,” stated a Colombian website in 2020.
On October 28, Colombia decided to extend its consular jurisdiction to all Moroccan territory, including the Sahara, an unprecedented decision.
Better yet, Bogota complimented Morocco’s genuine attempts to find a political, pragmatic, practical, and long-term solution to this issue within the framework of the political process conducted only under the auspices of the United Nations.
Ms. Loudaya already stated at the end of 2020: “The bilateral relationship with Colombia is of the utmost importance, because it is, above all, a state relationship.” King Mohamed VI and President Iván Duque Marquez hold high regard for one another.
Our two countries have a solid friendship that is marked by mutual trust and is bolstered by a continuous and long-standing political interaction and a convergence of views on many matters of mutual interest.”
Ms. Loudaya, according to many, was successful in achieving this huge diplomatic success in Morocco. “This ambassador has a profound sense of her country’s greatness and an unwavering desire to serve it well,” one could read on Twitter. “Accomplished merit had been bestowed upon her by valuable aptitudes and consistent endeavor.” “We want to see this presence in people with high-level positions,” remarked one user.
“Her professional faculties are to be appreciated, and she does not take pride in it; this diplomatic outcome was accomplished through persistent and brave efforts under the direction of King Mohammed VI,” an editorial writer wrote. Farida Loudaya receives the payoff for the job she has secretly dedicated herself to for years in one day.

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