Palestine: Muslim countries reaffirm the centrality of the Al-Quds Committee chaired by King Mohammed VI

The Executive Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) stressed, on Tuesday in Jeddah, the centrality of the role of the Al-Quds Committee, chaired by King Mohammed VI, to confront the dangerous practices of the Israeli occupation authorities in the city of Al-Quds Acharif.

In a statement sanctioning the work of its extraordinary meeting, the Committee also praised the role played by the agency Bayt Mal Al-Quds Acharif, chaired by the Sovereign.

Morocco was represented at the meeting by Mustapha Mansouri, the country’s permanent representative to the OIC, and Othmane Raho, who served as Mansouri’s deputy.

The meeting reaffirmed that Al-Aqsa Mosque, with all its area of 144 dunums, is a pure place of worship for Muslims, protected by international law and its historical and legal status, pointing out that the Department of Endowments of Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque Affairs, under the Ministry of Endowments, Holy Places and Islamic Affairs of Jordan, is the authorized authority to manage the affairs of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The Committee condemned the sanctions imposed by the Israeli occupation authorities against the Palestinian people, its leaders, and Palestinian civil organizations, and urged OIC Member States to take serious action to defend the occupied Holy City and its people, in particular the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, Al-Quds Al-Sharif, from illegal attempts to change its demographic composition, identity, and current legal and historical situation.

Additionally, it emphasized how important it is to oppose these actions and stand by the Palestinian people in their just struggle, urging Member States to mobilize their resources in order to boost the State of Palestine’s capabilities, step up their efforts, and coordinate their stances on global issues.

The Committee reaffirmed its commitment to continuously monitor all Al-Quds-related developments, particularly those involving the Holy Mosque, and to take the necessary action in this regard in accordance with the decisions of the Islamic Summit Conventions and the Councils of Foreign Ministers.

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