The Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad publishes a monitoring study on European media coverage of human rights court decisions

The Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad has published a documentary work monitoring the condemnation decisions rendered by the European Court of Justice against the Member States of the Council of Europe, through the compilation of a large number of media materials published on its subject.

This documentary work covers the period from 2019 to 2023. According to the data provided by the Council, the Court has issued 23 406 decisions since its establishment in 1956.

The Foundation’s analysis shows that more than two-thirds of the decisions have been against three countries.

During the period covered by this study, it should be noted that in 2019, for example, 540 articles were published on websites, mainly in Spain and France. In 2020, 426 articles were identified, mainly in France and Spain.

In 2021, the number of articles reached 500, with France and Spain continuing to become the nationality of the publishing institutions. In 2022, 709 articles were counted, mainly in Spain, France and Italy.

With its in-depth knowledge of the European context, of the various transformations that the Union is undergoing and of the manoeuvres hatched against Morocco, the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad, both as an institution and through the publications of its Secretary General Abdellah Boussouf, has played a key role in alerting to a number of risks and exposing numerous manoeuvres targeting the Kingdom.

Boussouf recently published a book exposing what happened before the issuance of the European Parliament’s recommendation against Morocco, entitled “the mid-December plot”, in which he goes into detail and with precise data on a number of events.

He also refers to the unprecedented media coverage that the “Qatar gate” affair received from the right-wing media known for their loyalty to the Algerian regime, with which they have important commercial and financial agreements, stressing that the media was one of the powerful parties to inflate the affair and orient European public opinion towards a destination aimed at tarnishing Morocco’s image, as well as removing Qatar from the judicial and media race, especially after threatening to change the equations of global energy security.


Read Also: Joint Plenary Session of Parliament’s Two Houses on European Parliament’s Latest Positions Towards Morocco Kicks Off

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