Liberal International Commends Morocco’s Autonomy Initiative and Condemns “Polisario” Calls for Violence in the Region

Paralyzing civilian and commercial traffic across the Moroccan-Mauritanian border undermines economic development and weakens efforts to improve human rights standards

Following recent developments in the buffer zone of El Guergarat, the Liberal International Bureau commended Morocco’s autonomy initiative, while condemning “Polisario’s” calls for violence and its “choice to risk conflict” with the Kingdom.

In a statement issued November 17th, the federation condemned Polisario’s violation of the ceasefire agreement, considering it a “flagrant violation of international law and an act of banditry in the border area.”

“Paralyzing civilian and commercial traffic across the Moroccan-Mauritanian border undermines economic development and weakens efforts to improve human rights standards,” the organization continued, while calling for “respect for UN Resolution 2414, adopted in 2018, in which the UN urged the separatists to immediately withdraw from the buffer zone of El Guergarat.

On another note, the vice-president of Liberal International, Hans Van Baalen, stated that “the Polisario must respect the ceasefire agreement”, adding that “we must support Moroccan peace initiatives as they are vital for restoring peace in the whole region, including Europe”.

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